
Thursday, September 10, 2015

He Wrote What?

I love dry erase boards and markers. I've used them with different ages and for different purposes.

In my church kindergarten class, we often have them out for kids to use as they choose. They will write and draw. And experiment.

They will explore ideas that friends try. Here all were drawing hearts.

Sometimes they experiment with drawing with two or three or five markers at the same time!

This past week the kids were working on these ideas. I was talking to different kids about their ideas and other things.

I looked over at one board. There were letters and numbers. Then I realized that there were words on his board. I went over to take a look.

He read the words to me and added the final word.

I called Cindy over to take a look. We were both surprised at his message, especially since he was writing from memory and all on his own.

I moved from that table and around the room. I went back a few minutes later. The board had additional marks on it.

"These are lights," he said to me. (Just like the logo has on movies and such.)

I love using open-ended materials. Kids can explore, experiment, and express their own ideas.

And occasionally I get rewarded with great things like this. I love kindergarten!

(Don't have dry erase boards? Try these alternatives.)