Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dry Erase Board Alternatives

We love using dry erase boards. We like to draw and write. We use the dry erase board on our easel.

We use small dry erase boards at a table.

Recently at a conference we talked about some easy, inexpensive alternatives to dry erase boards. These ideas can replace or supplement boards in your classroom.

Stove Burner Covers - Find ones that are plain, with no designs. I love the ones I found - we use magnets on them, too. And flip them over to use as holders for art supplies or other resources.

Plastic Plates - A quick and easy alternative that may already be in your resource room or classroom.

Binders or Notebooks - (Thanks, Ms. Jessi, for this idea!) Choose ones that have a plastic cover into which you can slide paper. If the binder is white or a light color, use as is. If it is a darker color, slide a piece of paper inside so you can see the marks.

You can also slide in activity pages or words to copy. One sheet can be sufficient for a whole class!

Page Protectors - Slide a piece of paper inside or use on a light-colored table or clipboard. You can also slide activity pages or words to trace inside, too.

Laminating Film - Don't discard the tail from your laminating but write on it instead.

Window - If you have a low window in your classroom, you already have a great dry erase board!
The letters are backward so people outside can read them,
according to my friend B.

Make the most of your opportunities for words by utilizing dry erase activities - using a variety of resources that you can recycle, repurpose, or reuse. (Share any other ideas you have discovered, too.)