
Monday, May 14, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

I have a periodic series of favorite things for the classroom. Today I thought I'd look back at some of those favorites.

Oil Drip Pan Magnet Board - A few years ago, a friend told me about using an oil drip pan for a magnet board. When I found one at Walmart, I grabbed one. Now it stays in our room, ready for use when needed. (This is one of the most visited posts on Brick by Brick, so it seems to be a favorite of others, too.)

Dry Erase Boards - I'm amazed at how much the kids will use the small boards, creating wonderful pictures, words, or sentences before simply erasing them forever. (A true example of process over product.)

Stickers - We love stickers. We like to use them for all kinds of things. (And we use the ones from the dollar store and office supply store the most. I like my stickers cheap and plentiful.)

Stamp Pads - We love stamp pads. We stamp designs. We stamp letters. We stamp our fingers and our whole hands. (And since I found these washable--truly washable--stamp pads from Discount School Supply, I love them even more.)

Blocks - Blocks are some of my favorite things to use in the classroom. Why? I'm not sure. I think it just opens up lots of possibilities. (My kids this year are builders and constructors, so blocks are invaluable.)

What have been favorites for you this year?