Monday, August 8, 2016

Some Inspiration from Blogosphere As School Year Starts

It's that time of year. School has started here where I live. Other teachers and students are headed back in the coming weeks.

Here are some things I've read recently that have interested me and have me thinking as school gears up again.

  • Opening Up My Technology Can of Worms (Living Avivaloca)
    Aviva muses on technology and self-regulation. She makes some interesting points and made me think.
  • My Take on Curriculum (The Road Traveled)
    Faige writes that curriculum cannot be one size fits all - and room for genius hour, maker spaces, and the like is important.
  • Your Classroom Does Not Need to Be Pinterest Worthy to Be Effective (Pernille Ripp)
    Pernille is preaching my sermon. "I advocate for giving the room back to the students" she writes.
  • 15 Years of What Not to Do (EdWords)
    William reviews some lessons he's learned in his 15 years of teaching. Some good considerations for all teachers as the year begins.
  • Ideas for Using Environmental Print (Pre-K Pages)
    I love to reuse materials, especially those that would be tossed anyway. I helped Vanessa compile this list of different ways to use familiar words and logos for the classroom.
  • 5 Quick Classroom Tricks (Really Good Teachers)
    I wrote this article of a few quick tricks and tips that helped me in the classroom. Nothing revolutionary - but sometimes those small things can really cause difficulty.

What have you been reading that has inspired you or caused you to think? Let me know below! I'm always looking for more to think about.

Follow me on Twitter for other links that inspire me.