Wrap blocks or small boxes with bubble wrap. Tape the wrap into place. Pour paint into a shallow pan. Dip the wrapped block in the paint. And stamp or smear away!
A hint: Fold a paper towel to put in the pan. Dampen the towel with water before adding the paint on top. The paper towel creates a "stamp pad" effect. If you do not add a little water to the towel before adding paint, the bubble wrap may stick to the towel and pull it out of the pan. (Trust me; it's true!)
ACTIVITY 2 - Painting with a brush on bubble wrap
Tape a piece of bubble wrap (about 8 by 10 inches) to the table or easel. Kids can dip a brush in paint and paint right on the bubble wrap. The textured surface gives a different experience than painting on smooth paper. Make a print to preserve the child's design. Pressing a piece of paper on top of the painted bubble wrap and carefully pulling it off. The design will transfer to the paper.
Bubble wrap is a fun way to explore and expand your painting horizons!