
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Year of Yes...So Far

Each year I choose one word as my focus. For 2015, that word has been YES.

When I chose that word 9 months ago, I was enthusiastic about it. I was excited and committed to saying yes to things that may challenge me or even embarrass me.

It's been an interesting year.

  • I said yes and was a guest "expert" on a Twitter chat. (If you haven't experienced #teacherfriends chat, you really need to seek it out. Such fun and support. Tuesdays, 9:00 EST.)
  • I said yes and led some fun conferences/workshops for a early childhood conference. It's been a few years since I have done that and it was good to do it again.
  • I said yes and have been a part of a wonderful resource for early childhood teachers and parents - Pre-K Pages. (It's a great site for ideas and resources. And, yes, I am associated with it.)
  • I said yes to kids' ideas and saw some great thinking. I've seen different ways to meet their needs. I am learning more about myself as a teacher. 
  • I said yes to reading and have completed almost 40 books this year. My goal is 52. (I love to read but often let other things take some of that time.)
  • I said yes to several interviews for teaching jobs. And found that none of those were where I was supposed to be. I'm waiting to say yes to the next best fit for me in this area.
  • I said yes to several new writing assignments and discovered that I can write things I didn't consider before. (I've also reaffirmed my ability and enjoyment of writing.)
  • I said yes to being more consistent in posting and writing on this blog and have posted every week day since the beginning of July.
Saying yes means that I say no to something else. When I say yes to kids' ideas, I am forgoing my own agenda and my own ideas. I'm saying no to control over what will happen.

Saying yes means being open to possibilities...and disappointment. Being open to challenges...and periods of quiet sameness. Being open to new things...and trying to rekindle old things.

I have 3 more months of the year of yes. I hope to discover more about myself and about being an early childhood educator. 

Do you have a great idea or possibility? I hope you'll say yes, too.