
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If You Give a Teacher a Blog

If you give a teacher a blog

He will write about the fun things his kids enjoy

And he'll begin to think about why they liked doing those things

And he'll reflect on how he teaches

He will want to find more ideas

And will discover lots of teachers who blog

He will comment on these blogs

And gain friends from all over the world

He will listen to one of these friends and start a Facebook page for his blog

And he will connect to even more new friends

He will try out some of the new ideas he discovers on these blogs

And do things he never would have tried before

He will attempt lots of experiments

He will succeed and will fail

His teaching will change and develop

He will see his kids spark new ideas and make him think

And he will want to blog about it.

Three years ago I posted my first post on Brick by Brick. (You can read it if you want...but I've definitely grown as a blogger.) It has been so much fun and I've enjoyed connecting with so many new friends. Thank you for reading along...and giving me so many new ideas and reasons to blog.