
Friday, March 16, 2012

Dots Collaborative Artwork

A couple of weeks ago I read this post from Deborah at Teach Preschool. (And I had looked at all those great pictures that Deborah talks about.)

Since we were talking about God's creation, colors, and so forth, I decided that we could make a community circle/dot piece of art. So...some circle stickers (large and small) and a display board made their way onto the easel.

I followed Deborah's example and separated the stickers into color groups.

We started off slow.

But soon the kids were working alone and together to create some cool designs.

We created patterns, made an exclamation point, made a friend's name, and used up all the blue circles.

My plan (and I told the kids) was to put this out again the next week for them to work more.

The next week, we had little activity. (Of course, the boys were dealing with tornado preparations in the blocks center.)

This is what usually happens with this group. They really enjoy something but if I put it out the next time (to build on that interest) they've moved onto something else. Maybe they need a little distance between they can see an activity as "new" again. I suspect that this group really likes new. Or maybe it just takes a little time for these kids to think about how to use the materials in a new way. Hmm.

I'm not sure if it's finished or if I'll put it out again for more work. Either way, I think we had a fun community effort.