
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some New Finds

I love to get new tips and tricks. That's been one of the unexpected benefits of blogging and networking online - I get great ideas from other teachers that I would have never discovered otherwise.

This week I have run onto two new (at least to me) sources of ideas. And I want to share them with you. (If you already know about these guys, just smile and nod and pretend I told you something new!)


The Teacher Tipster has lots of songs, rhymes, activities, and quick tips to help you as a teacher. I like watching his videos even if the tip isn't exactly something I can use - the guy is hilarious! But his tips often trigger other ideas, too. You can also connect with his Tip Jar on Facebook.

HarryKindergarten has lots of videos that teach concepts, too. Simple songs and graphics really focus on teaching a variety of simple concepts to kindergartners. You can download just the songs to use in your classroom, too. And, of course, you can connect with HarryKindergarten on Facebook, too.

Seeing these guys in action has really given me a lot of new ideas. (Now...if I just could create some videos and upload them to YouTube....)

What blogs or other resources have you recently discovered? I'm always looking for more inspiration. (But I'm still resisting Pinterest!)