
Monday, July 25, 2011

Let's Try It

What is your reaction to new challenges or new things? One thing that continues to amaze me about young kids is their "fearlessness" in trying something new. I don't mean something dangerous. Just something that they've never done before. 

The exact level of eagerness (vs. hesitance) varies among children. But most kids will at least watch someone do something new...and try it after seeing what happens. Some just jump right in and try it.

This week I enjoyed the techniques and attempts to use chopsticks. Some just picked up the chopsticks and began to move the pom-poms, with varying degrees of success.

Some tried and asked for some pointers.

Some watched and formed ideas before trying it out.

Some asked for a tutorial before beginning.

Some let their friends help direct their efforts.

But almost all the kids attempted to use them. 

I loved the comments I heard: "I used these to eat in a restaurant." "I learned from Kung Fu Panda." "I didn't practice. I just picked them up and did it." "Look, my fingers can be chopsticks."

I like offering some challenges to the kids and encouraging them to try it. And their willingness to try reminds me to do the same. Be willing to try something new in the classroom (and in life). Be willing to wade into a new challenge and give it a go. 

Use all your resources as you try--ask your friends, watch others do it, try one way and then another, think of when you may have done something like it. 

I think I'll go out today and find a challenge to try. And, if I fail, I can always move onto something else.