
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Empty Shelf Challenge

Recently Jon Acuff issued a challenge. Clean a shelf in your home; as you complete books from now through the end of 2014, put them on the shelf. I've decided to be a part of the Empty Shelf Challenge.

I read e-books, library books, and purchased books. So I decided to create an online empty shelf. I'll add each book I read to this shelf. My goal for this time next year? 52 books read.

I've read more than that in a year in the past. But in recent years, I've slowed down and read about half that amount. My new teaching adventure and my university classes have cut into my reading time. But I want to crank it up this year.

Every book I complete will go on my online shelf. Books about teaching and education. Science fiction and mystery fiction. Probably even some YA fiction. I won't include picture books that I read with my class but I will include chapter books we read over time.

I think this will be a fun challenge - and having a goal will help me read more than I have in 2013.

And this will be a part of my focus for the year - I will enjoy reading more this year.