I've been pondering which blogs I may nominate, realizing that I cannot nominate some of my favorites since they nominated me. And, as so many others have mentioned, how do you choose from among so many great bloggers? So, I decided to take the coward's way out - and just create my own "awards" so I can mention whomever I want. So I give you my own "Bricky" awards.
Insomnia Award - Teach Preschool
I don't know how Deborah gets everything done that she does; I think she never sleeps. She teaches preschoolers, blogs regularly on her blog and contributes to other blogs, tweets and posts on her great Facebook page, makes TV appearances, and encourages so many other bloggers. She's amazing and an inspiration. (And the queen of all social media!)
Risky Award - Teacher Tom
From the first post I read, I felt a kindred spirit with Tom. Through his posts, Tom has encouraged me to take more risks - allowing kids to do more and try more, trying new things and seeing things in new ways, pushing my own ideas into edgier directions. He always inspires me to think and reconsider positions, risking established "truths" in my mind to build greater understandings. (And I'm sure we wouldn't have had kids using glue guns without Tom.)
Cheerleader Award - Irresistible Ideas for Play-Based Learning
Fresh Air Award - Let the Children Play and I'm a Teacher, Get My Outside Here
Both Jenny and Juliet make me long for outdoor spaces filled with kids. I always get great insights from both of them about how the natural world leads to great learning.
Deep Thoughts Award - Not Just Cute and Aunt Annie's Childcare
Both Amanda and Annie have inspired me to think and rethink...to read posts and reread them. I love Amanda's post Intention Deficit Disorder reminds me to think about the why behind an activity and to be purposeful. And Annie's post Stop Saving Me, You're Holding Me Back reminds me to rethink how I interact with kids and their work. I return to these posts (and many others of these bloggers) often.
Reuse/Repurpose Award - Kreative Resources
Leeanne is a champion garage saler and recycler, creating resources for next to nothing. This blog helps me focus my D.S.D.D. into more productive ways.
I enjoy reading about Greg's and Matt's adventures in teaching young children. And I'm always glad to connect with other male teachers.
Visuals Award - Preschool Daze and Frugal Family Fun
I would visit each of these blogs just for the pictures...but the words are pretty great, too.
Go-To Award - Pre-K Pages
Vanessa's blog is one of my go-to's for activities and information. Her site is a great place to visit and spend some browsing time.
Most Enthusiastic Award - Rainbows within Reach
Debbie is the most enthusiastic person I've ever met read. Her own blog is a lot of fun and she's the driving force behind the new collaborative blog Pre-K and K Sharing.
Fun Award - Child Central Station and Little Illuminations and Getting Messy with Miss Jessi
Amy, Ayn, and Jessi show classrooms full of fun, energy, and learning. I love to see what they were up to. And I do "borrow" a few ideas for my own classroom.
Outsider Award - Education Rethink and Brainzooming
By "outsider" I mean a blog that doesn't specifically connect to preschoolers or young children. John at Education Rethink is a teacher, but he teaches middle schoolers. He blogs about education reform and other related topics. He challenges me to think and often makes me smile. Brainzooming is a business innovation blog. I enjoy reading about innovation and creativity - and try to apply those thoughts to what I do with kids and in my everyday life.
Well, that's a lot of awards...and I still left some of you out. Thank you, blog friends, for all you do to help kids and teachers. This post is long but could never fully contain all the appreciation I have for your daily inspiration. If you type your thoughts about kids or teaching and launch them into the blogosphere, I thank you. Together we create a wonderful learning community.