
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bubble Wrap "Rain"

I love to reuse and repurpose stuff. Last week we did something that I enjoy and that is a hit with kids, too.

We were talking about rain. So we painted with bubble wrap.

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Wrap a block with bubble wrap. Fold a paper towel and place in shallow pans. Pour paint into the pans. Note: Dampen the towels before adding paint. We didn't so the towels stuck to the bubble wrap and pulled up out of the pans. You can just put paint in the pans, but the paper towels create a "stamp pad" effect and you will end up using less paint with them.

Kids press the bubble wrapped blocks into the paint and then onto their paper. Some kids like to stamp with the bubble wrap.

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Some like to move and swish with the wrapped blocks.

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Either way, you can create a rain or storm effect. (The bubble wrap we had this time has huge bubbles. In the past we've used smaller bubbled wrap that looks more like rain.)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

It's a fun process experience. And it creates really cool paintings.

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

And you can push and push and push. But those bubbles will not pop under the block.

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)