
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Fred Rogers Was Right

Yesterday I posted a quote by Fred Rogers that play is serious learning. I checked through my photos from the past month. Just look at all the serious learning going on.

Caring, responsibility, helpfulness
caring for the baby doll (Brick by Brick)

Cooperation, color theory, self-expression, shapes
cooperative painting group mural (Brick by Brick)

Gravity, balance
Building with newspaper rolls (Brick by Brick)

Problem-solving, force, weight
Building with newspaper rolls (Brick by Brick)

Communication, writing, literacy
writing with pens on notepads (Brick by Brick)

Self-expression, creativity, composition, recycling
stickers on paper strips (Brick by Brick)

Quantity, number sense, patterning, satisfaction
counting mats and counters (Brick by Brick)

Symmetry, shape, balance, problem-solving
blocks and cardboard symmetrical building (Brick by Brick)

Color theory, states of matter, motion
color mixing paint (Brick by Brick)

Symbolism, fine-motor development, creativity, sorting
masking tape roads and cars (Brick by Brick)

Cooperation, taking turns, letter recognition, comparison
Playing a letters racing game (Brick by Brick)

Creativity, symbolism, self-confidence, thinking skills
paper strips and blocks making a waterfall (Brick by Brick)