
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wandering Around the Craft Store

ENJOY (Brick by Brick)

My word for this year is ENJOY. I'm working on being present and enjoying what happens as I teach and learn.
As this summer has unwound, I've discovered something. Well, not discovered it; I already knew it. I've just been reminded of it. I feel guilty when I'm not doing something "productive." When I do something just for the enjoyment of it, I feel like I'm wasting time. 

I've been reading. A lot. And not books on being a better teacher or techniques for helping kids learn. Novels. Mysteries. Interesting nonfiction that has nothing to do with education. I felt guilty about it. But I don't now. (Check out my Empty Shelf to find out what I've been reading.)

Resting and enjoying are productive. I can get recharged and inspired and ready to tackle the next productive thing.

I was feeling rather down and uninspired the other day. So I went to a local craft store and just wandered around. I wasn't looking for anything. In fact, when I went to the "teacher section," I immediately turned and left.

And I found some inspiration and ideas. I jotted a couple of things down for this blog. Ideas that I hope will grow into reality. Or may not. And that's okay. I was energized, my enthusiasm jump-started again.

I saw this.

Needle Arts Caddy (Brick by Brick)

It's a stand-up caddy for crafts. It folds closed. It has smaller pockets and the large storage area. I began wondering. What could I use this for in my classroom? A portable center. A reading nook accessary. A bin for a tossing game. Lots of ideas. It was on sale but I didn't buy it. Yet.

Then I saw these.

Blackboard T-Shirts (Brick by Brick)

T-shirts with chalkboard area. What? I didn't know these existed. I think these would be great as pillows. To use in a center/area of the room. These were also on sale. I didn't buy any but I think I may go back and get some to make some pillows. (If I do, I'll post about it.)

When I was talking to my wife, a sewing expert, she said, "Well, you can get some of that fabric and make pillows, too." What?? I checked online. You can get blackboard fabric

I did enjoy myself. I think I'm going to go on other exploration trips for ideas and just relaxing.

On my exploration at the craft store, I also saw this sign.

Enjoy Sign (Brick by Brick)

Yep. It's my motto for this summer.