
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Magnetic Sticks

We made magnetic sticks by adding self-adhesive magnets to colored craft sticks. As I set up this week, I was thinking about Deborah's recent post about invitations on her Teach Preschool blog. So I set up the materials like this:

Magnet Board invitation

The first kids came in and this is what happened. (I didn't suggest he do this.)

Magnetic sticks

Magnetic Sticks

Then the kids began to experiment.

Magnetic Sticks
Note someone changed my H to "a tic-tac-toe shape."

Magnet shapes
An alien

Magnetic sticks and shapes

Magnetic Sticks
How many? "...10, 11,12..."

Magnet shapes

Magnetic sticks and shapes

Magnetic sticks and shapes
A sun and stars

An invitation of what to do...and letting the kids use their own ideas. Our magnetic sticks were a success!