
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Repurposing Inspiration from the Blogosphere

I love to repurpose, reuse, and recycle stuff. We use all kinds of things for different purposes. For example, we used a cooling rack (and wood kindling and tissue paper) to create a campfire for our fishing trip. We cooked our "catch" over the fire.

This week I read some other great ideas and inspiration for reusing and repurposing items.

Reuse sweet potato bags and cardboard for sewing cards - The Wish to Find Out: Simple Sewing for Toddlers

Recycle and reuse bottle lids for art explorations - Inspiration Surrounds, Creativity Abounds: Bottle Top Creations

Repurpose old drawers for imaginative play - Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning: Good Old Drawers

Reuse an old game spinner and burner cover to create a better, easier-to-use (and changeable) spinner - Pre-K Pages: Easy DIY Magnetic Spinner

Recycle food containers and number labels for your grocery store - Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi: Numbers Everywhere

Repurpose all kinds of things to create invitations for play - The Imagination Tree: Creating Invitations to Play

Let's repurpose with purpose - and let kids play and learn!