
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I've been dreaming a personal dream lately...something I want to do. (More on that particular dream at another time.) Recently, as I was spending time thinking and pondering, this message came to me: Your dream is too small.

Too small? I was surprised, almost stunned. My dream was too small? Can a dream be too small? More pondering and thinking and pondering and wondering.

So, from that dream and that encounter came a larger idea. A bigger dream. Maybe even a long-term vision. I want to be a part of an education revolution.

A revolution that sees play as THE most important component of a learning environment. Play...exploration...investigation...differentiated learning...engagement...following the children's interests...emergent curriculum. Whatever you call it.

The kids are leading. The teacher is facilitating. Learning is happening.

I want to be an advocate for that...for real-world, real-life learning.

How? I don't know. But I know that my dream is bigger than before.