
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Light Box

I've wanted to have a light table/box for a while, after seeing my blog friends use it in so many ways. This weekend I made one to use in my classroom.

I purchased a scrapbook paper storage box because I liked the shape and size. I also liked the rim along the top so things wouldn't slide off easily. I put some tape on the back of my light so it would stay put.

I tried out the light box but the light seemed really bright through the lid. Cindy suggested some parchment paper, so I added that across the top and sealed the lid.

The light was centered on the lid (as you might expect) and left some shadowy areas at the corners. But I decided to try it out anyway. I put the box on the table with some foam letters, letter bands, and floral marbles. The kids seemed to have a good time trying it out.

(The light looks more intense in the photos that it was as we used it.)

I think I'll refine the light box, adding some additional lights to create brightness on all the top. Or try a deeper box so more light will disperse through the lid. But, overall, we'll definitely use the light box in other ways again. I'm thinking it would be fun to use dry erase markers on the light box. Hmm. Maybe next time.