
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

See Things with a Different Eye

In our recent blocks adventures, we used some different blocks - not my hodgepodge set but a set of smaller blocks. During that play, the container for the blocks became a part of our play.

As you can see from the photo, the container became a great hat. It was also used as the spaceship (that went crazy when someone pushed the crazy button) and as a car (for the cube block "family" to go to Chuck E. Cheese).

This photo made me smile again today as I thought about the fun play the boys had using the container as a toy. And I began to think about the "unconventional" toys we often use in the classroom. Our recycled items - cardboard pieces, boxes, food labels. Our repurposed items - oil pan magnet board, lazy Susan spinner, cooling rack weaving board.

I've decided that this week I'm going to choose something odd or unusual and put it out for the kids to use. Not give them a suggestion, just add it to the mix in a center. Then I'll watch how the kids will use it. They so often see things with a different eye, using items in ways I would never think of. I'm not sure what that item will be yet but I'm excited about the idea.

What unusual items or unexpected items have your kids used recently? (I really like this idea from Ms. Jessi!)