
Friday, February 7, 2014

A Switch Has Flipped

Eighteen months (or so) I began this journey as an elementary classroom teacher. I made this mid-life career change for one reason--I had to do it. 

I know that this is what I've been chosen to do at this point in my life. It's my ministry. (As a Christian I believe my work is a part of my spiritual life.) I know I am just where I should be right now.

And yet, I've struggled with the transition. I feel like I should be better at it than I am. I have worked with groups of children for years. I have studied education and strategies...and used those for years. The things that I felt the most comfortable and confident in...well, that's where I've had difficulty.

Even though I knew I was doing just what I should, I still have had nervous feelings and some anxiety most mornings before going to school. For the past eighteen months (or so). 

Until this week. It feels like a switch has flipped. My attitude is completely different. I can't wait to get to school - looking forward to seeing the students and excited about what we will be doing and discovering.

Even when we've had some crazy moments this week - and many of my afternoons have crazy moments - I still feel good at the end of the day. That's not what has been happening. A little crazy time and I would feel down or frustrated or failure. But not this week.

A switch has flipped. (As a Christian I know who flipped it for me.) My attitude has changed. And that has made all the difference.

I still have some frustration. I still need to improve some things. But I'm excited about the possibilities. 

I am a teacher. And I'm so glad I am.