
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What I've Been Reading This Week

Through Twitter, Facebook, and Google Reader, I read and discover so much. Here are some things I've read and tweeted this week.

A new blog and a cool idea. I love to repurpose and recycle stuff. This week Pam from How Long Is This Hall? connected me to a new blog: Dollar Store Mom. And on that blog, I was introduced to the Foamerator! I can't wait for a messy day to do this.

A good foundation. I'm always telling parents and teachers that the foundation we build in the early years is key to a child's future. Amanda at Not Just Cute put my thinking into a great blog post. I'm not sure how she did that. But I agree so much with her thoughts on this post.

A reminder about tall painting. We've still not done tall paintings. Several blog friends have experimented with this. I was inspired again by a post by Go Beyond the Classroom. And I loved seeing an extension with their town in part 2. We are going to do this! I promise.

A repurpose idea. Vanessa at Pre-K Pages gives some great ideas for puzzle storage. Both of these ideas are new to me - and you know I love to repurpose stuff. I'll be using these soon.

A recycle idea. Anytime I can use something that would have been tossed is a winning idea. Putti Prapancha has a terrific idea - making mosaics using dried play dough. My blog friends surprise me as much as the kids in my class. I think this is great!

A continuing journey. Of course, I'm continuing to follow the Literacy Beginnings book study blog party. Matt at Look at My Happy Rainbow is blogging about chapter 11 today. He also did a great job with chapter 10.

There's so much to read and keep up with. These are just a few things I've encountered in the past week. What are some great finds you made recently? (I'd love to read about them.)