
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cool Things This Week in the Blogosphere

I love to discover new things. Here are five cool things I saw this week among the blogs.

1. Pinterest - Kristin on preschool daze blogged about this Web site. I'm not sure I need one more site to keep track of, but this is really cool.

2. Summer Bucket List - Deborah created a summer bucket list for her niece. Lots of fun things to keep her busy. (Check out the other summer tips Deborah has.)

3. Go Climb a Tree - I love this post from Sherry and Donna at Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning. Climbing trees and risking a little is important for kids.

4. Tim Gill, a new guru to read - Donna pointed me to this post by Tim Gill about risk and kids. I need to read more by him.

5. Knife holders to store cars - On Kristin's Pinterest I found this link. I love to repurpose things, and I absolutely love this idea of using knife holders to hold toy cars.

Bonus: Vanessa on Pre-K Pages is hosting a book study blog party. Don't want to miss that later this month. (And maybe host part of it yourself.)

And Jenny's post about why teachers should blog, and....

Lots of cool stuff on the blogs. What have you seen out there?